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"I truly believe that knowing about mining lifestyle and culture, before you even start, is the most effective way to succeed in the mining industry." - Mad Mumzie

  • Join Mad Mumzie as she shares with you what living a mining life can really be like and learn if you are cut out to be a miner?
  •  For you old timers, send your friends here and also have a laugh at stories shared!

Mad Mumzie - AKA Leanne Drew - has been a Dump Truck, water cart, grader and loader Operator in the mines for 13 years.

After always being asked "how to get a job in the mines, and wow you must be rich"! in 2016 she created Australia's first mining podcast "Beers With a Miner."

This was followed up with being a regular contributor to Shift Miner Magazine, contacted by media for her thoughts on mining issues and also created this online resource where she shares how to's and tips to help your mining journey be as rewarding and successful as you thought it would be!

Mad Mumzie's Miners (MMM) P.L.A.I.T.S. Membership

Click This Link To Enrol Today:

Mad Mumzie is here to help you transform from your current situation, into a mining career, and then to support you along the way.

Once you get that dream mining job, is when the challenges can really begin.

Come with Mad Mumzie, learn from her 13+ years in the industry as an operator, and also insider knowledge from her mining mates and network of amazing Peeps australia wide.

Let's do this!

Hit the enrol button today. Mad Mumzie is here to help you, no matter where you are in your mining journey!

'Wannabe' - not started yet, interview coming up, how to get a look in?

'Newbie' - It's all so fresh and overwhelming. Fear is kicking in! What to take to camp?

'Old timer' - should you change sites, they want you to be a supervisor/trainer, your are thinking of retirement. Want to help others and share you knowledge. Join this community. We need you too.

This Membership is for you.

Your Membership Includes a Growing List of Support and Resources by Mad Mumzie

Private Community Inside The Membership-not on Facebook

  • 'Start Date' course - value $157
  • 'Pounce' audio & ebook - value $27
  • 'Pounce On Your Mining Job
  • Mining Terms You Need to Know
  • D.I.D.O Drive In Drive Out
  • Beers With a Miner Podcast
  • Relaxation/Meditations with Mad Mumzie
  • Downloadable Resources - Links, checklists etc.
  • Live video calls with Mad Mumzie and featured guests to help with your mining journey. 
  • Replays of all videos

Random Mad Mumzie Musings and much more!

Enrol today as a very special 'Foundation Member' and lock your low price in before it goes up!

Click This Link To Enrol Today:

*Remember you will have access to Start Date - worth $157 in itself.

A great resource to help you learn so much more about what to expect once you get started in mining.

Hit the enrol link now... let's do this.


Mad Mumzie / Leanne

Meet Leanne Drew - Mad Mumzie

At first working on a crew of 60 men and 2 women was challenging and she struggled to comprehend how to drive a truck and deal with crew culture. Finally, it all began to click, and she chose to continue her mining career.

As a Nanna heading towards retirement, she began to speak of her experiences, why she chose to keep going and strategies for others who may also find it challenging. “Mad Mumzie” the brand was born.

A blog led to writing for Shift Miner magazine and starting a podcast called “Beers with A Miner.” Interview and solo episodes with stories, tips and strategies from past and present miners as well as those supporting the industry’s workers and families. An online teaching hub with courses enables Leanne to teach others how to thrive and survive in the industry, how to get a start, and to know if you are actually cut out to be a miner?

Creating these courses using the Teachable platform inspired Leanne to also begin creating online courses for others. This is her new passion, helping people to share their talents and knowledge online with the world!

Student Testimonials

"Thank you so much for providing this course to us wannabes. I have found it extremely informative and it has eased my frustration with Google. It have cleared the way for my first step on the journey."

Robert, Student inside the Pounce! course

"OMG Mad Mumzie!! Such a comprehensive course. So many resources and links in here, let alone all the years of lessons learned you have so generously shared with us. I mean that literally.

Reckon you should put the price up as this is literally 'priceless.' I cannot recommend this highly enough. If you are thinking of getting into the game (even if you are already in it) there is so much information here it boggles my mind, oh and you will also laugh out loud at times.

Thank you for all your hard work you do for our industry. This should be mandatory on boarding for everyone. Love your work. Cannot wait for your next courses to go live!!"

- Hard Hat Mentor

"Hi MM, excellent insights and insider knowledge. I would recommend to anyone that is wanting to work in this industry and those that are already there. Congratulations on a great initiative! Cheers Tanya p.s you have a great voice for podcasting :-D"

- Tanya Pavey


As always, the thoughts expressed by Mad Mumzie and Leanne Drew are my humble opinion only. My views are from actually doing this for 13 years and everything is from what I have experienced personally, or learned from my mining network through many crews, sites and also guests on Beers With a Miner Podcast.

If you are struggling, in anyway, please do reach out and seek professional help. If you want more information on where to go there are many links in the resources sections.

Beyond Blue


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